Users are bored by being active 24 hours on Instagram and Facebook. After which users want to take a break from these social media platforms for a few days. In such a situation, you often delete your account. But now you will not need to do this.

Want to take a break from Instagram for a few days, do this job without deleting the account

Social media has become a necessity of youth in today's era. In which, whether Facebook or Instagram users are active on these 24 hours. In such a situation, users are often bored with social media. So they understand only one way to get rid of it is that they delete their account. But now you will not need to do this. Because we are going to tell you an easy way to take a break from Instagram. Let's know about it ...

Take a break without deleting the app - this will uninstall the app forever or delete it. But do you know that you can disable the account of that app without even deleting it. At the same time, when you feel that you are not using the smartphone much, then you can login back into that app, without losing any data. You can do all this with Instagram.

However, there is no way to disable Instagram for some time. But if you have an internet browser then you can complete this process. So let's know how you can disable Instagram account for a short time with the help of some steps.

1. First you have to login Instagram account on the browser.

Login to Instagram

2. After this you have to tap or click on the picture which will be in the top right. And then you have to click on the profile.

Go to Profile

3. After this, click on edit profile.

Edit Your Profile

4. Now you have to scroll down and click on Temporarily Disabled My Account.

Temporary Disable My Account

5. Now you have to click option from the drop down menu to select reason for you disabling your account temporarily.

Select the Reason

6. After this, you will have to enter your account password again and click on Temporarily Disabled Account.

Enter Your Password