What is Blogging?

What is Blogging?

So, What is Blogging? Blogging refers to Writing, Travel, Ideas, Business and other topics that’s you can self-publish online.

What is Blogging?
Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals or comapn towrite their ideas, reviews, and increase there sales, grow their businesses.

You can also make Money if you are a individual or a company by it by displaying Google Ads, Affiliate Marketing and you’ll getmost of the SEO on your Website/Blog by this method.

How to Find Your Blog in Blogger

To find your blog in Blogger just go to blogger and sign in with your gmail account.

On the top left sidebar you’ll find your blog name just click on it and all your blogs will be there.

How to Find You Blog

So, this is not in Blogger many people don’t know there Blog Name so whatt they do?

So, just go to your gmail and just search there your blog platform means that which platform you’ll make your blog ex- Blogger, WordPress, etc.

Just go that website and login with your credentials and and you’ll find your blog.

How to Make a Photography Blog

To make your photography blog you just need to do that just create a blog at any platforms just check my guide on Best Free Blogging Platforms.

Then, Just add a new post and then a Title(the photo category) and then describe them like this photo is a flower photo and then after adding all just make a copyright at the end so that anyone can’t copy your image without your permission.

In other case just add a gallery option and just add your inages there and in home page just tell something about you and just add contact form and then just tell me if you wanna buy my photoes just contact me.

So, these are two types which you can create a photography blog.

All you’re thinking that my post title is What is Blogging or Blog? but there is my visitors say that to tell them so I’ve just add these in this post.

Check The 5 Best Free Blogging Platforms 2021

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